Breakfast Semolina porridge was one of my favourite things to make for my siblings when we were all young. I learned to make it when I was 12 and it was so simple to make it made me feel like a rock star in the kitchen. This creamy, smooth, satisfying and nutritious porridge is a must try. Semolina is a coarse, high gluten flour, made from durum wheat. When shopping for semolina try to find a flour that has been enriched to reintroduce nutrients that were lost during processing.

Semolina is high in protein and fiber, which slow digestion and increase feelings of fullness between meals. It’s also high in B vitamins like thiamine and folate, which help to convert food into energy. Semolina is a good source of iron and magnesium. These minerals support red blood cell production, heart health, and blood sugar control. We can safely say that adding these nutritional facts with ease of prep makes semolina porridge a very enticing breakfast food.

Buying semolina can be confusing at times because it can be labeled in different ways depending on manufacturer or region. For the porridge you will be looking for a pale fine grind that is sometimes labeled farina or Cream of wheat/ Creamy wheat.  You can use a coarser grind in a pinch but make sure its the pale, light colored semolina.

Semolina porridge consists of two main ingredients, Semolina flour and milk . Its flavour is mild so you can customize it with your favourite spice like cinnamon if you choose and can sweeten it with a spoon of sugar during cooking or top with a drizzle of honey after. I don’t need to add sweetener to my porridge because I find it sweetens fine with milk and my favourite fruits. I love the versatility of this porridge in customizing flavour and even switching out the milk for plant based alternatives like coconut or oat milk.


Semolina Porridge {سميدة و حليب}

Semolina porridge consists of two main ingredients, Semolina flour, and milk. Its flavor is mild so it can be customized with your favorite spice like cinnamon. You can choose to sweeten it with a spoon of sugar during cooking or top it with a drizzle of honey after. Top with fruit and nuts.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Servings 1 bowl


  • 1 Cup milk dairy or plant-based
  • 2 Tbsp semolina flour
  • 1 Tbsp sugar optional
  • Pinch of cinnamon optional
  • drizzle honey optional
  • handful preferred nuts optional
  • 1 tsp chia seeds optional


  • In a pot add milk and semolina (cinnamon and sugar if desired); place over medium heat.
  • Bring to simmer while continuously stirring to keep porridge from becoming lumpy or sticking to pan.
  • Remove from heat once in a starts to thicken and develop a porridge consistency.
    TIP: if porridge thickens too much for your liking you can add more milk and continue to cook.
    TIP: porridge thickens as it cools so take that into account when preparing.
  • Scoop porridge into bowl and top with favorite fresh or dry fruit, nut, or other toppings; Enjoy warm.
Keyword breakfast, breakfastbowl, porridge, semolina